Preserve your teeth with fillings!
Tooth fillings vary in longevity, strength, cost, color, length of procedure time and patient satisfaction. Amalgam or silver fillings have been the most popular in the world for many decades but the tooth colored resin fillings are gaining more popularity and acceptability. Gold fillings are technique sensitive and the color may not be agreeable to everybody. Tooth colored porcelain inlays or onlays are excellent restorative choices for teeth needing moderately large restorations that are not really in need of a full coverage crown.
Fillings don’t feel any different than natural teeth and are used to arrest decay and preserve tooth structure. Tooth cavity fillings do wear out and may need replacement from time to time. Fillings require removal of tooth as well as a small amount of surrounding healthy tooth structure. One or two appointments are necessary depending on the filling chosen.
Four Alternatives for Posterior Restorations (cavity fillings on back teeth)
Some restorative materials are weaker than natural tooth like silver, resin and inlays. Onlays, both gold and ceramic are stronger than natural tooth.
Silver Fillings
Resin Fillings
Inlay or onlays
Gold Inlays or Onlays
Tooth restorations available today are the best in history of dentistry. Contact us today for cavity fillings in Hesperia, CA.